Nuke is a great piece of software and I believe it is 'very' capable of revolutionizing post-production in the future, far from what we know it as of today. I have been doing a lot of RnD on nuke and here are some of the tools and scripts I have made. Please feel free to download and use them commercially or non-commercially. I would really appreciate any feedbacks or comments, so please drop in a line.

Happy Nuking !!

Duplicate Read Node Replacer

Click to enlargeI find that a lot of people end up duplicating 'Read' nodes in their nuke flow. Thus ignoring a very brilliant feature of nuke, the Postage Stamp tool.

Duplicating read nodes will slow the comp and as well as take more processing time. This python script, once run, reads through all read nodes and replaces duplicate ones with a postage stamp. It does so from top to bottom so the nodes on top are considered as Parents and the ones below them are replaced and linked to the parent node.

The script also adds a label to the postage stamp tool saying what file name it is pointing to and the name of the parent node so that it is easier to keep track of in a big flow.

Note: this is a python module so you will have to import it in your
Simply copy the file to .nuke directory. In the file (if you don't have one create a new file called add the following lines:

import dupReadReplacer'Nuke')
toolbar.addCommand('Edit/Replace duplicate read nodes','dupReadReplacer.removeDupRead()')

This will add the script to the 'Edit' menu in nuke as 'Replace duplicate read nodes'

Click here to download (.py file)

1 comment:

vfx_man said...

Link is not working

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